Adjustment method for brake switch
发布时间:2023-11-14 15:50:29 作者: 来源:
First, move the upper ingot assembly to the position shown in Figure 1. The upper ingot plate parking is facing the center of the mountain shaped part, which is also the position where the upper ingot parking rod is extended the longest, as shown in Figure 2




Move the brake switch to press the brake block onto the upper spindle parking lever, and lock the brake switch bracket screw. Then remove the upper ingot plate type parking rod to detach it from the mountain shaped part, and reset the upper ingot parking. As shown in Figure 3.


Rotate the head of the machine, adjust the position of the brake block and brake switch, and ensure that all upper spindle parking rods (as shown in Figures 2 and 3) and lower spindle parking rods (as shown in Figures 4 and 5) can touch the brake block when in working (extended) state, but completely cannot touch the brake block when not in working state.

